Distance: 16km, Ascent: 340m
See route in new window
Owing to the lack of integrated public transport system in the borders, it was necessary for us to rise early this morning so that we could get back to Moffat by bus (via Edinburgh!). We set off walking at around 6am; the weather was fine with the hills free of cloud. It was a quick ascent to the top of our first hill of the day: Black Cleuch Hill (Donald Top).
We continued following the heathery ridge for several km to reach Dun Rig (Graham) at 7:30am. An hour later we were on the top of Birkscairn Hill (Donald). From there we followed the Old Drove Road north along the ridge over the top of Kirkhope Law (Donald Dewey), and then skirting Kailzie Hill and Craig Head. Shortly after 9:30am we got our first view of Peebles and could see the gathering dark clouds; would we be able to get to there before the rain started?
Once we reached Pebbles our pace quickened as we realised we had no idea where the bus to Edinburgh would stop! Shortly before crossing the Tweed, the rain started and we ran over the bridge and into the town centre in search of the bus stop. In the end we had time to spare and I was able to nip into a bakery to pick us up some tasty pastries. Eventually we arrived back in Moffat after spending an hour between buses in Edinburgh. However the walking of the last three days was worth it!
Written up in November 2010 from memories and photos
Mr Fox Pinched My Porridge
1 day ago